Simply fill in the fields below to help guide you in ad creations before implementing them into Google Ads. The form will stop when the max limit has been reached.
A Note About Responsive Search Ads
In 2022, Google sunsetted Expanded Text Ads. Ads that were already created will remain active. However, you can no longer edit the ads. We recommend taking the text from the Expanded Text Ads and copy pasting into the new responsive search ad format. However, you will need to write a 3rd headline if you haven’t already and a 2nd description.
You can pin the order of which headlines and descriptions should show. So if the text makes sense only in a specific order then make sure to pin. However, Google prefers if you pin as little as possible because they use their algorithms to figure out which combination results in the highest CTR and/or conversion rate.
You MUST enter at least 3 headlines, and up to 15. You MUST enter at least 2 description lines, and up to 4. Google Ads likes as many headlines and descriptions as possible. You will likely receive a poor score if you only write the minimum headlines and descriptions.